I’m going to introduce the neighborhood Neyagawa where I live now as my second blog for anthropology class. Especially I focus on the
Shinto shrine which is called
Sumiyoshi shrine, and which is near the Neyagawa station. Here is the photograph, as you can see it is the common shrine. There is a two pair of stone guardian dos and offering box, and there is no one in the precinct as usual. I pass through the precinct to go to the station and to go home almost everyday, but it is rare to see the people who come to this shrine to pray, so when the people come to this shrine?

The answer is when the festival is held. 7 festivals are held in this shrine for a year, and only then many people gather in the precinct. The picture of below was taken at the
akimatsuri which is held in the fall (from the web page of
Sumiyoshi shrine). There are many people there and the atmosphere seems completely different from the above two photographs.

In the video which I watched in the class one anthropologist says that festival has a role to build up the relationship with neighbors, indeed it’s one of its role, but I think festival also has the role to gather people and to introduce about
Shinto. This role is very important to give Japanese chances to rethink about their religion, because most of Japanese especially young generation doesn’t care which religion they believe, as the evidence they mix up different religion. For example most of Japanese have family Buddhist alter, and in spite of this, they cerebrate Christmas, moreover they go to shrine to pray their happiness on the new years day, like this they mix up at least three religion. Therefore to think about their religious festival is important in today’s Japan.
2 件のコメント:
Once again you bring up important and timely topics in your blog. You offer some interesting ideas but I think you lost your focus. You begin with the subject of Neighborhood Neyagawa but then wander into shrine festivals and then religion. You could have done a post on each of these topics. This is the challenge of the blog - that is to keep your focus on the one subject you are writing about and illustrating with photographs. You might consider having a thesis statement when you write your rough drafts of the text and then make sure you keep your focus on the thesis. And you might want to consider how your photographs are contributing to your thesis as well. This post is an improvement over your last one and I am sure you will continue to improve.
Thank you for your comment, and as you said still I could not use the visuals effectively in my blog, so I'm going to improve my way of using visuals. Also I will try to focus on one main topic to make my opinion clear from the next blog.