When you think about Japanese culture, what do you come up with? Actually many of you may think of Japanese traditional culture such as the temples, kimono and samurai, indeed these are important part of Japanese traditional culture, but to know today’s Japan you need to know the new Japanese culture such as anime, manga and otaku. Especially the word “otaku” is widely used in Japan, and many otaku exist in Japan. In the dictionary otaku is defined as young people who are highly skilled in computer technology. However most Japanese use “otaku” as the people who are crazy about something such as anime, young age idol and electricity products, and most of otaku are not so attracted by the opposite sex, and sometimes the word “otaku” is used discriminatorily, so when you use “otaku” you need to be careful. Although otaku is becoming the important part of Japanese culture, most of Japanese have prejudice to them, so not to destroy the culture we need to rethink the definition of “otaku”.

1 件のコメント:
I agree with you in that otaku is a current and important aspect of Japanese culture. There are certainly more otaku around than samurai and geishas.
I think you might want to explain your visual images a bit more. How and why do they illustrate otaku? Some links to otaku related articles might be helpful as well.