The train is very important transport in Japan especially the urban side of Japan. Many people use the transport to go to the company and school. Actually I use the train to go to school every day, and I think by observation of the commuters you can see the wild aspect of Japanese .
You can see that especially at the rush hour. In my experience the rush hour congestion of the train is awful. In the first picture, 5 people lined, and after about 30 seconds the number of people became 10 (second picture), so as you can see people increase like virus at the rush hour. In these two pictures commuters are lining very politely, but once the train comes they almost forget about a manner, and start to rush for the door.
Here is a video about Japanese rush hour from YouTube. In this video you can see the scene of the awful rush hour. As a stereotype to the Japanese people may think that Japanese is polite, but indeed Japanese seems wild by the observation of the commuters.